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唐朝末年,有一个叫杜光庭的道士。在他的《录异记》中有这样一段记载: 在婺州永康县(今浙江金华地区)的山中,有一些已经枯萎了的松树,如果从树上砍下一截把它放在水里,它就化成了石头,所形成的化石,其枝干和树皮与松树没有什么两样,只不过变得更坚硬罢了。五十年以后,这些松树化石成了诗人吟詠的材料。唐代诗人陆龟蒙曾经写过一首《二遗诗》: 谁从毫末见参天, 又到苍苍化石年。万古清风吹作籁, 一条寒溜滴成川。闲追金带徒劳恨, 静格朱絃也可怜。幸与野人俱散诞, 不烦良匠更雕镌。诗的意思是说:有谁能从小小的枕材、琴座这两块化石上,想见它们竟会是由当年的参天古松变成的呢? In the late Tang Dynasty, there was a Taoist named Du Guangting. There is a passage in his “Essay Note”: In the hills of Yongkang County in Wuzhou (now Jinhua, Zhejiang Province), there are some withered pine trees that have been cut off from the trees and put in water , It turned into a stone, the fossils formed, its branches and barks no different from the pine trees, but only harder. Fifty years later, these pine fossils became materials for poets to chant. Lu Guimeng, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem entitled “Two Poems of the Second World”: Who sees the towering from fantasy to pale fossil years. Wandering breeze blowing salamander, a cold slip into the river. Spare gold chase resentment, static grid Zhu strings are pitiful. Fortunate and savage are all Christmas, more carpenter carpenter engraved. The poet’s meaning is to say: Who can from a small pillow, piano seat on these two fossils, would like to see them actually from the towering Gusong into it?
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