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“连宋大陆行”这场“大戏”已在全球关注中落下帷幕。其间主客双方在不同场合留下的洋溢着中华传统文化气息的题词仍在唤起我们美好的回忆,他们运用的各具匠心的方法也值得我们品味和借鉴。一、引用法。中共上海市委书记陈良宇在赠给亲民党主席宋楚瑜的画作上的题词是“故人江海别,几度隔山川”。这两句诗出自唐司马曙《云阳馆与韩绅宿别》:“故人江海别, 几度隔山川。乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。孤灯寒照雨,深竹暗浮烟。更有明朝恨,离杯惜共传。”陈良宇引用“故人江海别,几度隔山川”表达相隔之久和相见不易,抒发对“故人”的真挚热忱的欢迎之情。选用诗句与当前情境暗合,恰到好处。二、化用法。台湾国民党主席连战夜游黄浦江后,欣然题词:“滚滚黄浦南流水,浪花造 The “Lian Opera in the Lian-Song City” line has come to a close with global attention. During this period, the inscriptions on both sides of the host and guests that are filled with the flavor of traditional Chinese culture are still evoking our beautiful memories. The ingenious methods they use are also worthy of our taste and reference. First, citation method. The inscription of Chen Liangyu, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shanghai Party Secretary, on the paintings presented to the Chairman of People First Party James Soong is “The enemy’s Jiang Haibie, and several times separated from the mountains and rivers.” These two poems came from Tang Simao’s “Yunyang Museum and Hanju House”: “The deceased Jianghai don’t, there are several separate mountains and rivers. You can see the dream, and the sadness is different. The solitary light is cold and the dark bamboo is dark. There is even more hate in the Ming Dynasty, and it’s a pass from the cup.” Chen Liangyu quoted “The enemy is Jiang Haibei, and several times separated from the mountains and rivers” expresses the separation and the encounter is not easy, and expresses his sincere and warm welcome to “the deceased”. The use of verses is in harmony with the current situation, just right. Second, the usage. Chairman of Taiwan’s KMT Lien Chan after a night tour of the Huangpu River, was pleased to write an inscription: “Rolling water in the South, making waves
树桩把自己站成一尊遗像  而遗像在供台上活着,鸟叫声突然中断  欢场的顶峰被冻结  很多影子来访,很多人进出  羊皮卷遗在南山。东河里,那些故事石头一样坚硬  夜深人静,我敲响四壁  睡去时我竖起了一千只耳朵,醒来时春天已经死去  陶罐里,我们都是时间布下的胎记  活着的人是一棵棵行走的樱桃树  我守着你  守着一间空屋子
我今晚只喝三杯酒,一杯是黑的,辽阔到悲凉的深邃  像我晃动的躯体浸泡其中。第二杯是白的,偶尔有银光  闪烁,喝下去的时候,还是虚无的硬  它的核挂在天上。第三杯是混浊的,隐忍的  嘴唇试不试,都知道那是命  抑或是一滴猛禽的眼泪  避雷针  用白云梳头,用暴雨哭泣  终身寂寞不动的高度下,尖尖的安静让人敬畏  有时候帮一大片的风喊着生死,也帮一片雷喊  但雷不知道,站得最近的,是自己的敌人  有时
As germination and rise of public environmental awareness in Taiwan,large-scale air pollution,water pollution,noise,land subsidence and other public hazards har
“恨得越深,爱得越深。”妈妈的这句话一直在我脑海中回荡。昨晚,我正在写作业,妈妈走了进来, 把一封没有开启的信放在我面前,我惊呆了。一行刺眼的字映入眼帘——淄博鲁中监
15岁到城里读高中前,我还是一个乡村少年。那时我和村中大多数孩子打扮相近,穿着简单,短头发,样子虽土,但快乐。  我们平日除了学习,便是在山间地头晃悠,打闹。有时摘桑葚,碰到未熟透的,咬一口,眼睛被酸得立马眯起来。闻到桂花香,就爬到树上折下几枝花,抱回去插瓶,用清水养,房中飘满清甜的香气。也常去山上寺庙游玩。寺中僧客很少,曲径通幽,我顺着小道走去,有时见数百岁老树苍苍如亭盖,有时见清风徐来松涛阵阵
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