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在中国历史上,众多的皇室后裔中也有德才兼备、有所作为者,唐朝的李勉,就是其中的佼佼者。李勉,字玄卿,天水人,郑惠王李元懿的曾孙。他幼年家贫而好学,后任开封尉,以擒拿奸猾恶棍、整肃社会治安出名。安史之乱后,他凭自己在军事上、政治上的才干,辅佐肃宗李亨灵武登基,平叛各种战乱,帮助代宗李豫、德宗李适治国,立下了汗马功劳,不但任过多种军政要职,被封为开国公,并当了20多年的宰相。李勉爱兵荐贤,礼贤下士,部下乐为其用,兵士衷心拥戴。李勉在任监察御史时,看到将要处死的100多名战俘中有一人仰天长叹,马上询问情况,发现这些战俘大多是安禄山胁迫的,立即面告肃宗:“元凶未除,被叛匪裹挟的人很多。这些人大多愿意归顺皇帝,应该赦免,使之为国效力。如果杀了这些人,不是驱赶他们去帮助叛匪吗?”肃宗听从了李勉的劝告,赦免了战俘。这样一来,投 In Chinese history, many of the royal family descendants also have both ability and political integrity, make a difference, Li Mian of the Tang Dynasty is one of the best. Li Mian, word Xuan Qing, Tianshui, Zheng Hui Wang Li Yuan Yi’s great-grandson. He was poor and studious childhood, he served as Kaifeng Wei, to capture the evil villain, the rectification of public order. After Anshun’s rebellion, he established himself as a military and political talented person, assisted by Sukjong Lee Hyun Joong Seok-wu, rebelled against various wars and helped Dai Zong Li Yu and Dezong Lee to govern the country. He not only held various military programs Chief, was sealed as the founding father, and became the prime minister more than 20 years. Li Mian Ai Bing recommended Yin, Corperate Corps, Ministry music for its use, soldier sincerely support. When Li Mian was in charge of monitoring the Censor, he saw one of the more than 100 prisoners of war to be executed, who immediately questioned the situation and found that most of these prisoners of war were forced by An Lushan and immediately sued Su Zong: “The culprits were not eliminated, Many are besieged by rebel bandits, most of whom are willing to submit themselves to the emperor and should pardon them for their country’s effectiveness.If these people were killed, are they not driven to help the rebels? ”" Suzon listened to Li Mian’s advice, Pardoned prisoners of war. In this way, cast
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