加大船舶检查力度 把好船舶安全防线

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过去的一年,广州海监局紧紧围绕海上安全监督管理这一中心工作,以老旧船、低标准船、危险品船、客滚船为管理重点,以完善安全管理规章、落实国内法律规范、履行国际公约为基础,加大船舶安全检查力度,把好船舶安全的最后防线。全年对外轮的港口国监督检查120艘次,滞留低标准船舶22艘次,滞留率为18.33%,与上年外轮滞留率相比增长了9.08%;对200总吨以上国轮进行安全检查568艘次,滞留5艘次;对39艘次国际航线中国籍船舶实施“开航前检查”,督促其抓好安全隐患的整改,使这39艘国际航线船舶无一在国外的港口国检查中被滞留,部分船舶还无缺陷通过国外港口国监督检查。 去年6月份以来.该局还牵头华南片港监联手开展了一次小型船舶集中检查会战。其中广州 In the past year, Guangzhou Maritime Safety Supervision Bureau closely followed the work of maritime safety supervision and management centering on old ships, low-standard ships, dangerous goods ships and ro-ro ships to improve safety management rules and implement domestic laws Norms, the implementation of international conventions, based on the increase of ship safety inspection efforts to make the ship’s final defensive line of defense. In the whole year, 120 port-state supervising and inspecting vessels of external ships were stranded and 22 stranded low-standard ships were stranded, with a retention rate of 18.33%, an increase of 9.08% over the previous year’s rate of detention of outer vessels; safety inspection of China’s vessels of over 200 gross tonnage 568 ships and 5 stranded ships. The “pre-departure inspection” of 39 Chinese-made vessels with international routes was carried out and urged them to rectify the potential safety problems so that none of the 39 international shipping lines will be checked in a foreign port state Was stranded, some ships without defects through the port state supervision and inspection. Since June last year, the council has also taken the lead in conducting a small ship centralized inspection battle in southern China. Which Guangzhou
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