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1950年冬天,广东沿海一带的气候特别冷,守卫在海防前线的二营六连刚刚完成剿匪反霸任务,又迎来文化大练兵运动。中南军区政治部主任陶铸亲自到六连所在的团搞试点,他动员干部战士响应党中央毛主席的号召,学好文化、掌握技术,向现代化、正规化进军。当时,连队干部战士文化水平都很低,百分之九十的人只有初小程度,可他们都是英勇善战的功臣。我是这个连惟一的初中毕业生,所以被破格提拔当文化教员。我向党支部提交的保证是:一年内学员全部达到高小毕业。官兵们听了这个消息,不知有多高兴,各种决心书、保证书、挑战书把连部的小会议室贴得满满的。但是那时的学习条件特别差,连个上大课的教室都没有,在当地政府的支持下,我们和老乡一起把海边上一个渔民放工具的石头房子改造成课堂。门窗全是各家各户捐献的,没有玻璃的地方就糊上一层厚纸,海风一吹,不是这里掉玻璃就是那里开口子,战士们只好用两个衣袖把桌上的煤油灯护住免得吹灭。 In the winter of 1950, the climate along the coast of Guangdong was particularly cold. The two battalions of six companies that guarded the front lines of the coast of Haiphong just completed the task of suppressing bandits and hegemonies and ushered in a cultural training campaign. Tao Zhun, director of the Central Military Discipline Department of the Central Military Commission, personally went to the mission where Liunian is stationing. He mobilized cadres and fighters to respond to the call of Chairman Mao Zedong and learn technology well and march toward modernization and regularization. At that time, the company’s cadres and fighters had very low education levels, and only 90% of them were young people. However, they are all heroic and heroic soldiers. I am the only junior high school graduate, so I was promoted as a culture trainer. The guarantee that I submitted to the Party branch is that all the students have reached a high school graduation within a year. Officers and soldiers heard the news, I do not know how happy, a variety of determination books, promises, challenges to the company’s small conference room full. However, at that time, the learning conditions were particularly poor. Even the classrooms which did not attend large classes did not. With the support of the local government, we and fellow villagers transformed the stone house set on the sea by a fisherman into a classroom. Doors and windows are all donated by all households, there is no glass on the paste layer of thick paper, the sea breeze blowing, not here is the glass out there is a hole, the soldiers had to use two sleeves kerosene lamp on the table to live Lest blow out.
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2008年10月4日,湖北省宣恩县晓关侗族乡福利院老人陈万明看完中央电视台“经典中国·辉煌30年——农业跃上新台阶”后,直抒胸臆:“我们正在 On October 4, 2008, Chen Wanmi
本刊讯汤原农场工会采取文化、技能培训,法律知识竞赛,劳动比武竞赛,选树、宣传各类典型等方式,积极推进“职工素质提升工程”活动的开展,收到了良好效果。 The Journal of
近年来,河北省平山县总工会经审会认真履行经审监督职责,加强经审组织建设、制度建设,不断加大审查审计力度,在服务全会工作大局中发挥了积极作用,取得了明显的实效。 In re