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水稻在分蘖期间,因受病虫为害,导致心叶凋萎枯死的症状,都可以称为枯心。造成水稻苗期枯心的病虫主要有三化螟、二化螟、大螟、蝼蛄及白叶枯病、细菌性褐条病、条纹叶枯病等。不同病虫所造成的枯心,症状有所不同,因此可根据其特征,加以判别。三化螟幼虫蛀入稻株后,在心叶基部作环状咬断,心叶失水纵卷,多呈淡绿或黄白色枯心。剥开被害株,可见虫粪及咬断的痕迹,同时被害株在田间呈团状分布,称为枯心团。二化螟造成的枯心在田间也呈团状分布,但多呈黄褐色枯死,同时枯心下部叶片的叶鞘被害变黄褐色,称为枯鞘,剥开枯鞘可见虫粪。大螟 During the tillering stage of rice, the symptoms of wilting and withering the heart leaves due to pests and diseases can all be called dry heart. Rice stem borer caused the main disease pests are three borer, Chilo suppressalis, Sesamia inferens, catfish and bacterial leaf blight, bacterial brown stripe disease, stripe virus and so on. Drought caused by different diseases and insects, the symptoms are different, so according to its characteristics, to be distinguished. Borer borer larvae moth into the rice plant, at the base of the leaf for ring bite off the heart leaf loss of water volume, mostly pale green or yellow white heart. Stripped off the victim strains, we can see signs of insect feces and bite off, while the victim strain in the field was clumped distribution, known as the bliss of the mission. The stem borer caused by the rice stem borer was also distributed in clusters in the field, but most of it was withered in yellowish brown. At the same time, the leaf sheath of the lower leaves was withered and turned yellowish brown, called dead sheath. Sesamia inferens
一、目前财务管理的局限性1.财务管理主体的局限(1)财务信息中含有虚假成份 ,财务管理人员由于自身业务水平或其他因素的影响 ,从本单位的经济利益出发 ,对财务管理的外部环境判
时下,倘若要问最流行的音乐是什么?这个位置非 R&B 莫属!势头迅猛的 R&B 风,基至吹过太平洋,影响着华语乐坛的歌手们,一批批诸如陶喆、周杰伦这样的歌手,通过自己对于R&B 的
2008年10月20日云地税二字[2008]66号各州、市地方税务局,省局直属征收分局:现将《国家税务总局关于个人通过网络买卖虚拟货币取得收入征收个人所得税问题的批复》 (国税函[
近日,记者从财政部获悉,财政部、国家税务总局近日出台了有关农民专业合作社的税收优惠政策,并已于7月1日起正式实施。 Recently, the reporter learned from the Ministry
茶垫囊绵蚧Pulvinaria psidi Mask属同翅目蚧科(Coccidae)。一九七七年在湖南洞口县茶铺茶场发现某些采摘茶园点片发生。有关该虫在茶树上发生为害的情况,尚未见资料报道。