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今年的7月7日是抗日战争爆发77周年纪念日。当天中午,笔者在浙江省常山县人武部领导带领下,前往浙江省常山县招贤镇高埂村箬溪自然村,寻访90岁的抗战老兵张有水。在他的口述下,笔者记录了张老参加浙赣战役江山廿八都保卫战的历史片断,共同追忆了那段保家卫国的峥嵘岁月。抗日战争胜利已有69年,健在人间的抗战老兵们日渐稀少,幸存者如今都已是耄耋之年。身居斗室、淡泊名利的他们,大多数是把昔日战场上英姿飒爽的风采和精忠报国的情怀深藏心中。同样,来到箬溪,直到我们这些年轻人恳请张老这位抗战老兵帮助“抢救民族记忆”、“丰富常山 July 7 this year marks the 77th anniversary of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. On the noon of the same day, with the leadership of the People’s Armed Police Department of Changshan County in Zhejiang Province, the author went to Qiaoxi Nature Village in Gaoqu Village, Zhaoxian Town, Changshan County, Zhejiang Province, searching for 90-year-old Zhang Youshui, an anti-Japanese war veteran. In his oral account, the author recorded the historical fragments of Zhang Lao’s participation in the campaign of defending the mountains and valleys of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign and jointly recalling the remarkable years during which he insisted on protecting the homeland and protecting the country. It has been 69 years since the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The growing number of world-famous war veterans has become scarce. The survivors are now in their infancy. Most of them who live in despotic chambers and indifferent to fame and fortune are deeply rooted in the valiant style and loyalty to serve the country in the old battlefields. Similarly, came to the river until we young people pleaded with the old anti-Japanese veterans Zhang help ”save the national memory“, ”rich Changshan
Aim -Diagnosis of acute hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is classically based on the detection of HAV-IgM. Nevertheless, HAV-IgM can be positive for patients w
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Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the Bug Buster kit regimen with a single treatment of over the counter pediculicides for eliminating head lice. Desig