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盱眙县位于淮河下游,洪泽湖南岸,宁镇扬丘陵山区北缘。境内岗冲交错,群山连绵,土层瘠薄,植被稀疏,水土流失十分严重。据遥感测量和实地调查,Ⅱ级以上水土流失面积1182平方公里。1986年山区粮食亩产仅有173公斤,人均收入仅有200余元,群众的生活十分贫困。水土流失已严重制约着农业的持续发展和山区经济的振兴。 为了摆脱困境,八十年代后期山区人民开始了水土保持的工程建设:以小流域为单元,因地制宜,综合治理;以建设“高产、高效、优质”农业为目标,封山育林、等高条垦植树和坡改梯工程,已初步形成了具有淮南风化玄武岩山区环境特征的“三条带”水土保持优化工程模式。 山顶封禁育林草。在山顶和宜林的陡坡上实行封山育林育草,以提高林草覆盖率,涵养水源,削减径流,增加活立木积蓄量。山腰条垦繁林果。在山腰岗坡实行退耕还林,大 Xuyi County is located in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River, south bank of Hongze Lake, the northern edge of the mountains in the town of Yang Zhen Yang. The territory of Kong Chong staggered, rolling mountains, barren soil, sparse vegetation, soil erosion is very serious. According to remote sensing surveys and field surveys, soil erosion area of ​​Grade II and above is 1182 square kilometers. In 1986, only 173 kilograms of grain per mu was produced in mountainous areas, and the per capita income was only 200 yuan. The living conditions of the masses are very poor. Soil erosion has seriously hampered the sustainable development of agriculture and the revitalization of mountainous areas. In order to get out of their predicament, people in mountainous areas started their project of soil and water conservation in the late 1980s: taking the small watershed as a unit, adjusting their measures to local conditions and comprehensive treatment; aiming at building “high yield, high efficiency and high quality” agriculture, Slope to ladder project, has initially formed with Huainan weathered basalt mountain environment characteristics of the “three” soil and water conservation optimization project. Hill top ban forbid forest grass. Closing hillsides and raising and grooming on the mountaintops and the steep slopes of Yilin, in order to increase the coverage rate of forest and grassland, conserve water sources, reduce runoff and increase the amount of standing stumpage. Mountain reclamation of the forest fruit. In the hillside slope to implement the conversion of farmland to forests, large
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