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近几年,普通高校学生思想政治工作比以前有所加强。这主要表现在:一方面,学校领导高度重视,教职工大力支持,学生积极配合;另一方面,政治思想课程得到充实,课时能够保证,校园文化、爱国主义教育等活动也蓬勃开展起来。普通高校学生思想政治工作的研究也取得了很大的成果。相对而言,我们对于成人高校学生思想政治工作的研究则显得比较薄弱,且尚未引起足够重视。目前,大多数成人院校在课程的开设、思想教育的方式方法及与之相配合的一系列活动方面,都没有什么特色,造成了成人高校学生思想政治工作的针对性不强、效果不佳。事实上,成人高校的学生与普通高校学生在年龄结构、知识结构、社会阅历、家庭状况、思想状况、心理特征等方面都具有较大的差别。因此,做好成人高校学生思想政治工作必须首先在加强针对性上下功夫。这需要我们在以下三个方面进行不断探索和研究。一是要针对成人学生的自身特点。思想政治工 In recent years, the ideological and political work of ordinary university students has been strengthened than before. This is mainly manifested in the following aspects: On the one hand, the school leaders attach great importance to the support of faculty and staff and students actively cooperate with each other. On the other hand, political and ideological courses are enriched, class time can be guaranteed, and campus culture and patriotic education are flourishing. The research of ordinary college students’ ideological and political work has also made great achievements. Relatively speaking, our research on the ideological and political work of adult college students is relatively weak and has not yet attracted enough attention. At present, most adult colleges and universities lack distinctive features in terms of curriculum establishment, ways and means of ideological education, and a series of activities that are compatible with them. As a result, the ideological and political work of adult college students is not well targeted and ineffective . In fact, adult college students and ordinary college students have great differences in terms of age structure, knowledge structure, social experience, family status, ideological status and psychological characteristics. Therefore, doing a good job of ideological and political work for adult college students must first make efforts to improve pertinence. This requires us in the following three aspects of continuous exploration and research. One is to target adult students’ own characteristics. Ideological and political workers
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针对教师在课堂教学中的口误及其产生原因进行分类研究,提出了有效避免课堂教学口误的对策,为物理教师专业培训提出了建议。 According to the classification of teachers
春节前,石景山区委书记陈文占,区长侯玉兰等区领导在区工会主席张群兰等陪同下,分两路走访慰问了我区部分特困职工,为他们送去了过节食品、生活必须品和慰问金。 Before th