农业部召开秋粮作物重大病虫防控现场会 部署“虫口夺粮”、农药减量控害工作

来源 :中国植保导刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:howard2000_0
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7月21日,农业部在内蒙古通辽市召开全国秋粮作物重大病虫防控现场会,分析秋粮作物重大病虫发生形势,交流各地防控做法和经验,部署秋粮作物病虫防控工作。会议指出,经济发展新常态、农业发展新形势对植保工作提出了新要求,要紧紧围绕“稳粮增收调结构、提质增效转方式”的工作主线,以“到2020年化肥农药使用量零增长行动”为抓手,切实强化“两个服务”。一是服务于农业结构调整,搞好本地区主栽作物病虫害防治,确保稳粮增收。二是服务于农业发 On July 21, the Ministry of Agriculture convened a national on-site major pest and disease control event for autumn cereal crops in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia to analyze the situation of major pests and diseases in autumn crops and to exchange prevention and control practices and experiences from all over the country. The prevention and control of autumn grain crops were deployed. The meeting pointed out that the new normal of economic development and the new situation of agricultural development have put forward new requirements for plant protection work. They should focus on the main line of work of “stabilizing grain and increasing income and adjusting mode, improving quality and increasing efficiency” and “ Zero growth of pesticide use of action ”as the starting point, effectively strengthen the“ two services ”. First, serve the agricultural restructuring, do a good job in the main pests and diseases prevention and control of crops in the region, to ensure stable income. Second, serve the agricultural development
1991~1996年在纤维喉镜和显微支撑喉镜下共手术治疗声带息肉751例,现对这二种手术方法及疗效分析报告如下。1 临床资料及方法1-1 临床资料 声带息肉患者751例,病程最短为2个月,最长为18年,全部患者均
Recently,crown ethers as extractants to extract Am~(3+)and Eu~(3+)has been reported.However,only a few of amide-based open-chain crown ethers have been studied
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近几年来,笔者试用复方丹参注射液治疗梅尼埃病54例,取得了较好的效果,现总结报告如下。1 临床资料与方法1.1 分组情况 治疗组54例,男12例,女42例;年龄28~72岁,平均51岁。对