我科于19(?)年至19(?)年共收治住院患儿26046例,其中新生儿破伤风仅26例。以资料完整的20例分析,男12例,女8例;藏族18例,汉族2例,均为旧法接生。出生第3、5天发病各1例,第6天5例,第7天9例,第8天3例,第16天1例。一月份发病5例,七月份4例,其余分散于各个月份。主要症状有拒奶、牙关紧闭各13例 苦笑面容11例,抽搐10例,吐沫9例,气促7例,四肢肌张力增高3
My department in 19 (?) Years to 19 (?) Year admitted a total of 26,046 hospitalized children, of which only 26 cases of neonatal tetanus. In order to complete data analysis of 20 cases, 12 males and 8 females; 18 cases of Tibetan, Han 2 cases, are the old method of birth. One case was born on the 3rd and 5th day after birth, 5 cases on the 6th day, 9 cases on the 7th day, 3 cases on the 8th day and 1 case on the 16th day. Five cases were reported in January, four in July and the rest were scattered in all months. The main symptoms are refusal to milk, teeth closed in 13 cases of smile face in 11 cases, convulsions in 10 cases, spittle in 9 cases, shortness of breath in 7 cases, limb muscle tension increased 3