
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenlijuan1986
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目的:胃癌根治性手术时胃壁切除的范围是否合理,将直接决定术后能否局部复发及术后残胃功能。方法:应用20%普鲁士兰氯仿溶液作为淋巴道染剂,对138具婴幼儿尸体胃淋巴流向动态规律进行深入研究。结果:胃壁淋巴流注具有规律性,即胃窦与胃底的淋巴管以胃左、右动脉交汇处与胃网膜左、右动脉交汇处连线(以下简称其为b线)为分界,超过b线进入另一侧分别仅为4%和10%;而胃体部的淋巴管则可向胃窦和胃体两个方向引流。从胃底前壁纵轴的中心线与b线的中点连线称其为p线,当注入点在p线大弯侧及小弯侧时,第10组淋巴结染色率分别为97%和3%,经统计学处理有极显著的差别。结论:胃窦和胃底癌行根治性手术时,胃壁的切除范围一般不应少于b线,具体超出多少还要结合病灶大小及其距此连线距离而定。癌细胞最远可侵犯癌缘外5cm,胃壁切除时可以参考;胃体癌行根治性手术时则应考虑行全胃切除。癌灶位于p线左侧及b线上方的进展期胃癌则应联合脾脏切除。只有这样才能彻底清扫第10组淋巴结,更好地防止局部复发。 Objective: The scope of gastric resection of gastric cancer radical surgery is reasonable, will directly determine whether postoperative local recurrence and residual gastric function. Methods: The dynamic changes of gastric lymphatic flow in 138 infants and young children were investigated by using 20% ​​Prussian blue chloroform solution as lymph node stain. Results: The lymphatic flow in the gastric wall was regular, that is, the lymphatic vessels in the antrum and the fundus were connected by the intersection of the left and right arteries and the junction of the left and right arteries in the stomach (hereinafter referred to as the b line) Beyond the b line into the other side were only 4% and 10%, respectively; and gastric body part of the lymphatic drainage to both the gastric antrum and corpus. From the anterior wall of the anterior wall of the anterior wall of the center line and the b-line connection point called the p-line, when the injection point in the p-line bending and bending side of the small group, the 10th group staining rate of lymph nodes were 97% and 3%, statistically significant difference. Conclusion: When the radical operation of the gastric antrum and gastric fundus is undergone, the excision range of the stomach should not be less than that of the b-line in general. The specific size depends on the size of the lesion and its distance from the connection. Cancer cells can encroach on the edge of the cancer as far as 5cm, gastric wall resection can refer to; gastric cancer radical surgery should be considered line total gastrectomy. The foci located on the left side of the p line and advanced gastric cancer above the b line should be combined with splenectomy. The only way to thoroughly clean the 10th group of lymph nodes, to better prevent local recurrence.
发动机选择ME2-SF1-Motorelectronics-发动机电控系统后,将弹出如下对话框:Control unit version——控制模块版本Current fault codes——当前故障码Stored fault codes—