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初中阶段的学生所涉及的学科是相对多样化的,化学作为其中所占比重较高的一门学科,对于学生的逻辑思考能力、自主探究能力要求偏高,也要求教师在教学手段及模式上不断推陈出新,以使学生的学习需求得以满足.近年来,计算机技术飞速发展,为教育资源的优化提供了新的路径,也成为初中化学教学过程中重要的辅助工具.本文从多媒体在初中化学教学过程中的辅助优势着手,对其中应当予以重视的问题做出了分析概述,仅供参考. The subjects involved in junior high school students are relatively diversified. Chemistry, as a discipline with a relatively high proportion of them, requires students’ logical thinking ability and independent inquiry ability to be high. It also requires teachers to use teaching methods and modes. Continuously innovate so that the students’ learning needs can be met. In recent years, the rapid development of computer technology has provided a new path for the optimization of educational resources, and has also become an important auxiliary tool in the teaching process of junior high school chemistry. This article from the multimedia teaching in junior middle school chemistry In the process of supporting the advantages to start, an analysis of the issues that should be given attention to, for reference only.
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剧场早已暗下来,有人却还在拼命摸索  生活的座位,你总不会因假设的椅子  而耗掉了双手。这有限的空间  没有一个更具体的夜晚可以停留  我只是个舞台上蹩脚的水手  波涛、墙壁、渔网甚至招魂总是不断迭现  这么多张脸拉上油彩的帷幕  连泅渡的时光  仿佛都是向过去的好心情借用  短促的心跳和呼吸  我们都想把最后一段  重看一遍,而飞起的烟灰已轻轻落在那一句  “是生存还是毁灭?”
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