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近年来,随着我国经济持续快速增长和居民生活水平的大幅度提高,汽车开始走进百姓家庭,成为居民消费的一个新热点。所谓汽车贷款保险(简称车贷险)是一种担保性质的履约保证保险,即被保证人(借款者)根据权利人(银行)的要求,请求保险人(保险公司)为自身信用提供担保的一种保险形式 In recent years, with the sustained and rapid economic growth in our country and the substantial improvement in living standards of residents, the automobile has started to enter the common people’s family and has become a new hot spot for residents’ consumption. The so-called car loan insurance (hereinafter referred to as car loan insurance) is a guarantee of the performance of the guarantee insurance, the guarantor (borrower) at the request of the obligee (bank), requesting the insurer (insurance company) to provide credit for their own credit Kind of insurance
中医外治法具有作用迅速、疗效显著等多种优点,但其理论系统的相对 滞后,在一定程度上限制了该疗法的进一步发展。故而,笔者在多年临证实践基 础上,提出经气法时中医外治法的概念