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去年1月,江泽民总书记在全国宣传部长会议上提出,我们在建设有中国特色社会主义,发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,要在坚持不懈地加强社会主义法制建设依法治国的同时,也要坚持不懈地加强社会主义道德建设,把思想道德作为治国的基本方略,把德治提高到与法治并举的高度。以德治国,这是以江泽民同志为核心的第三代领导集体,在深刻总结国内外治国经验基础上得出的科学论断,是对马克思主义国家学说的丰富和发展,也是我国社会主义经济步入新的发展时期提出的重要治国方略。在新的历史条件下,江泽民同志提出以德治国的治国方略具有划时代的意义。以德治国,有利于全社会正确估量道德的社会作用,进一步增强全党全国重视道德建设的自觉意识,有利于加强科学、正确的 Last January, General Secretary Jiang Zemin put forward at the National Propaganda Ministers’ Meeting that while building socialism with Chinese characteristics and developing the socialist market economy, we must unswervingly step up the building of a socialist legal system and rule the country by law. We must unswervingly step up the building of socialist morality and regard ideological and moral as the basic strategy of running the country. We should raise the morality to the same level as the rule of law. Governing the country with virtue is the third-generation collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core. The scientific conclusion derived from profoundly summarizing the experience of running the country at home and abroad is the enrichment and development of the doctrine of Marxist countries and the step of China’s socialist economy. Into the new period of development proposed by the important strategy of running a country. Under the new historical conditions, Comrade Jiang Zemin put forward the epoch-making significance of the strategy of running the country by virtue of virtue. Governing the country with virtue helps the whole society to correctly measure the social role of morality and further enhance the awareness of the entire party that the emphasis on ethics is conducive to strengthening the scientific and correct
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