Frequency Effects on 2-Chlorobiphenyl Sonication

来源 :清华大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leovvex
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In order to better understand sonication, this paper studies the effect of sound frequency on the 2-chlorobiphenyl (2-CB) sonication and analyzes two prevailing hypotheses. Four frequencies 205, 358, 618, and 1071 kHz were tested. The 2-CB degradation kinetics, dechlorination, and inhibition by a free radical scavenger were examined. The results show that sonication effectively degrades 2-CB, and the first order rate constants using 0.4 W/cm3 sonication are 0.214, 0.508, 0.454, and 0.248 min?1 at 205, 358, 618, and 1071 kHz, respectively. Good dechlorination was also achieved. 358 kHz frequency provided the most efficient 2-CB degradation, but the worst dechlorination, and was most sensitive to the free radical scavenger. Detailed analyses show that thermolysis is relatively stable at these frequencies while the free radical reaction depends strongly on the sound frequency.
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