
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianglihongnj
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目的:探讨特种部队新兵训练损伤发生与人体测量特征指标的相关性,为兵员选择提供参考。方法:对某特种部队2006和2007年度626名新兵进行人体测量,并监测12周训练期间新发生的肌肉骨骼系统损伤。资料数量化后输入计算机,采用SPSS 13.0软件行单因素方差分析、二分变量逻辑分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果:单因素方差分析结果显示,损伤组与非损伤组下肢不等长(P<0.01)、“X”型腿(P<0.05)、“O”型腿(P<0.05)、扁平足(P<0.01)、下肢力线不良评分(P<0.01)差异显著,损伤组大于未损伤组;肩宽(P<0.05)、肩宽比坐高(P<0.01)有显著差异,损伤组小于未损伤组。逻辑回归分析显示,下肢力线不良评分(OR=1.582,95%CI:1.280~1.956)和小腿长(OR=1.087,95%CI:1.015~1.165)是危险因素;肩宽比坐高(OR=0.002,95%CI:0.000~0.140)和上臂长(OR=0.894,95%CI:0.825~0.969)是保护因素。多元逐步回归分析显示,下肢力线不良评分(B=0.190,P<0.01)、扁平足(B=0.161,P<0.01)和下肢长(B=0.026,P<0.05)是损伤的危险因素,而肩宽比坐高(B=-2.539,P<0.01)是损伤的保护因素。结论:下肢不等长、“X”型腿、“O”型腿、扁平足、下肢力线不良评分高、下肢过长是新兵训练损伤的危险因素;一定范围内,较高数值的肩宽、肩宽比坐高和上臂长是损伤的保护因素。结果提示在征兵查体时应关注对下肢力线指标的测量与评估,选择身体匀称和下肢力线良好的兵员。 OBJECTIVE: To explore the correlation between injury traits and indexes of anthropometric features of recruits in special forces and to provide references for the selection of soldiers. METHODS: Human body measurements were performed on 626 recruits in a particular unit in 2006 and 2007 and new musculoskeletal system injuries were monitored during a 12-week training. Data were quantified and input into the computer. SPSS 13.0 software was used to perform one-way ANOVA, dichotomous variable logistic analysis and multivariate stepwise regression analysis. Results: The results of one-way ANOVA showed that the lower extremities of injury group and non-injury group were unequal length (P <0.01), “X” type leg (P <0.05) (P <0.01), and the score of bad line of strength of lower extremity (P <0.01) was significantly different between the injury group and the non-injury group; the shoulder width (P < The injury group was smaller than the non-injury group. Logistic regression analysis showed that the adverse line of lower extremity line was a risk factor (OR = 1.582,95% CI: 1.280-1.956) and lower leg length (OR = 1.087,95% CI: 1.015-1.1650) = 0.002, 95% CI: 0.000 to 0.140) and upper arm length (OR = 0.894, 95% CI: 0.825-0.969) were protective factors. Multivariate stepwise regression analysis showed that the bad score of lower limbs line (B = 0.190, P <0.01), flat foot (B = 0.161, P <0.01) and lower limb length (B = 0.026, P <0.05) were the risk factors of injury, Shoulder height ratio (B = -2.539, P <0.01) was the protective factor of injury. CONCLUSION: The unequal length of the lower limbs, “X” type legs, “O” type legs, flat feet and lower limbs with bad line of strength and long lower limbs are the risk factors of recruits training injury. Within a certain range, higher values Shoulder width, shoulder width and upper arm length is the protective factor of injury. The results suggest that in the conscription examination should pay attention to the measurement and evaluation of indicators of the strength line of the lower limbs, select the well-proportioned body and limb force lines of good soldiers.
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