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随着新课程改革的深入,如何更好地培养学生运用数学知识解决实际问题的能力显得越来越重要。数学应用题是针对实际情况而展开的数学问题,它注重的是培养学生实际应用的能力。因此,教师要重视对学生应用意识的培养,使学生能够认识到数学教学与日常生活之间的联系,引导学生用数学的思维观点去分析问题,解决问题。一、当前应用题教学的现状首先,由于学生的生活阅历有限,对应用题的阅读理解能力差,无法将实际问题化成一个数学问题。其次,教 With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, how to better train students’ ability to use mathematics knowledge to solve practical problems becomes more and more important. The mathematics application problem is a mathematical problem that is developed for the actual situation. It focuses on the ability to train students in practical applications. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the cultivation of students’ application awareness, so that students can recognize the connection between mathematics teaching and daily life, and guide students to use mathematical thinking to analyze problems and solve problems. First, the status quo of the current application of the problem of teaching First of all, due to the limited life experience of students, the reading comprehension of the application of the problem is poor, unable to turn the actual problem into a mathematical problem. Second, teach
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预算的削减和技术上的突破正在改变着项目的轻重缓急。 Budget cuts and technological breakthroughs are changing the priorities of the project.
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