加强职业道德建设 塑造公安机关新形象

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改革开放以来,经济的繁荣与发展,既给公安工作带来了生机与活力,也使公安机关的思想作风建设受到了强烈的冲击和挑战。从总体上看,人民警察的优良传统和无私奉献精神,依然发挥着主导作用。但是,由于社会不良风气的侵蚀,在一部分民警中出现了价值观念扭曲,职业道德水准下降,特权思想抬头等群众反映较大的问题,并影响了公安机关的整体形象。针对上述问题,我们从1994年开始,以公安部颁发《人民警察职业道德规范》为契机,坚持把职业道德建设作为机关思想作风建设的“重头戏”来抓,并列入“一把手”工程,从而有力地推动了机关业务工作和精神文明建设相互协调发展。我们的具体做法是: Since the reform and opening up, the prosperity and development of the economy have not only brought vigor and vitality to the public security work, but also made the public security organs’ ideological and work style construction strongly challenged and challenged. On the whole, the excellent tradition and dedication of the people’s police still play a leading role. However, due to the erosion of social unhealthy tendencies, some policemen have suffered from distortion of values, a decline in the standard of professional ethics, the rise of privileged people and other masses that reflect the larger issues, and have an impact on the overall image of public security organs. In response to the above problems, starting from 1994, with the guidance of the “Police Ethics Code” issued by the Ministry of Public Security, we persevere in using professional ethics as the “highlight” of the ideological and work style building of the authorities and include the “top leaders” Effectively promoted the coordinated development of the work of government agencies and the construction of spiritual civilization. Our specific approach is: