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党的十八届五中全会关于“十三五规划”的建议提出,坚持创新发展、协调发展、绿色发展、开放发展、共享发展是关系我国发展全局的一场深刻变革。其中,置于首位的创新发展不仅是影响我国“十三五”时期发展全局的根本举措,而且是影响中华民族未来命运的关键环节,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。创新发展首先是发展方式的深刻变革这一变革要求在动力结构上转向以“双引擎”中的创新引擎为重点,从以劳动力、资源等要素投 The proposal made by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee on “the 13th Five-year Plan” proposes that adhering to innovation and development, coordinated development, green development, open development and shared development are profound changes that affect the overall development of our country. Among them, the innovation and development put in the first place are not only the fundamental measures that affect the overall development of our country during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, but also the key links affecting the future destiny of the Chinese nation. They are of great practical significance and far-reaching historic significance. Innovative development is, first of all, profound changes in the way of development. This change requires a shift in the dynamics of the structure to focus on the innovation engine in “twin engines.” In terms of labor, resources and other factors
社会科学文献出版社97875097860482015-04 59.00 Social Sciences Academic Press
新世纪以来,中国经济持续、快速增长的势头未减。在大洋彼岸,拉美和加勒比国家正逐步摆脱了经济危机的困扰,步入新一轮增长周期。在此背景下,中拉经贸关系,不仅延续了上世纪90年代以来持续增长的态势,而且在新的国际环境下不断扩大交流与合作,逐渐步人“黄金时期”。    21世纪:中拉经贸关系的黄金岁月    新世纪以来中拉经贸关系的发展呈现如下特点:  首先,贸易是中拉经济关系的核心。2001-2006年
(1)1939年,日寇调动5万兵力,疯狂进攻我太行山根据地。(2)八路军一二九师特务团团长皮定均,率部出击,迎战敌寇。 (1) In 1939, the Japanese aggressors mobilized 50,000 t
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