
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaizhmx
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数学文化的内涵是指数学的观点、思想、方法、语言、精神及其形成和发展,还有数学家、数学史、数学美、数学教育和数学发展中的人文成分,数学与各种文化的关系等。它是比数学成果更宝贵、更有价值的一种理性文化。但在实践中,由于教学的功利性,不少教师忽视了数学背后的人文因素,淡化了学生的数学文化教育。事实上,数学文化与数学同在,数学教学若能将显性的数学知识与隐性的数学观念有机融合起来,不仅能有效激发学生的学习兴趣,获得对数学的完整认识,学会数学地思考问题,还能培养学生 The connotation of mathematical culture refers to the viewpoints, ideas, methods, languages, spirits and the formation and development of mathematics, as well as the mathematicians, history of mathematics, mathematical beauty, humanities in mathematical education and mathematical development, mathematics and various cultures Relationship and so on. It is a more rational and valuable cultural culture than mathematics. However, in practice, due to the utilitarian nature of teaching, many teachers neglect the humanistic factors behind mathematics and dilute the students’ mathematics and cultural education. In fact, mathematics culture and mathematics are the same. If mathematics teaching can combine the explicit mathematics knowledge with the implicit math concept, it not only can arouse students’ interest in learning, acquire a complete understanding of mathematics, but also learn mathematics Problems, but also to train students
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