Ab initio study of long-range electron transfer between biphenyl anion radical and naphthalene

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luffyzero88
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After the separation of the donor, the aeceptor, and the σ-type bridge from the π-σ-π system, the geometries of biphenyl, biphenyl anion radical, naphthalene, and naphthalene anion radical are optimized, and then the reorganization energy for the intermolecular electron transfer (ET) at the levels of HF/4-31G and HF/DZP is calculated. The ET matrix elements of the self-exchange reactions of the π-σ-π systems have been calculated by means of both the direct calculation based on the variational principle, and the transition energy between the molecular orbitals at the linear coordinate R=0.5. For the cross reactions, the ET matrix element and the geometry of the transition state are determined by searching the minimum energy splitting △_(min) along the reaction coordinate. In the evaluation of the solvent reorganization energy of the ET in solution, the Marcus’ two-sphere model has been invoked. A few of ET rate constants for the intramolecular ET reactions for the π-σ-π systems, which contain After the separation of the donor, the aeceptor, and the σ-type bridge from the π-σ-π system, the geometries of biphenyl, biphenyl anion radical, naphthalene, and naphthalene anion radical are optimized, and then the reorganization energy for the The ET matrix elements of the self-exchange reactions of the π-σ-π systems have been calculated by means of both the direct calculation based on the variational principle, and the transition energy between the molecular orbitals at the linear coordinate R = 0.5. For the cross reactions, the ET matrix element and the geometry of the transition state are determined by searching the minimum energy splitting Δ _ (min In the evaluation of the solvent reorganization energy of the ET in solution, the Marcus’ two-sphere model has been invoked. A few of ET rate constants for the intramolecular ET reactions for the π-σ-π syst ems, which contain
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