京九铁路,一条纵贯华夏南北9省市2553公里长的钢铁大动脉,一部用热血和汗水谱写的壮丽的史诗。 当您乘坐京九列车,风驰电掣穿山越岭时,或许想知道大京九铁路建设是如何决策的,本文向您介绍一些鲜为人知的史实。 从小到大 今天的大京九(北京至香港九龙)是由小京九(北京至九江)演化来的。 追溯京九铁路的渊源,勘测设计起于50年代,规划构思则始于孙中山的《建国方略》。 修建京九铁路是上至共和国主
The Beijing-Kowloon Railway, a 2553 kilometer-long steel artery running through 9 provinces and municipalities in north and south China, a magnificent epic written with blood and sweat. As you ride the Beijing-Kowloon train and ride through the mountains and rivers, you may want to know how the Beijing-Kowloon Railway is constructed. This article introduces you to some little-known historical facts. From small to large Today Beijing’s Beijing (Kowloon to Hong Kong Kowloon) is from Beijing to Beijing (Jiujiang) evolved. Trace the origin of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, survey and design began in the 50’s, the planning concept began in Sun Yat-sen’s “founding strategy.” The construction of Beijing-Kowloon Railway is from Republic to Lord