The CCPIT Patent & Trademark LawOffice is known in China as the longest-operated and largest-scale foreign-related agency dealing with intellectualproperty(IP) legal affairs. Early in January 1957,the CCPITworked as an agent for foreign-relatedtrademark affairs,and established theTrademark Agency in 1988.When the StateCouncil approved the establishment of thePatent Office of China in 1980 it assignedthe CCPIT to make preparations for theformation of the country’s first foreign-relatedpatent agency.With the promulgation and
The CCPIT Patent & Trademark LawOffice is known in China as the longest-operated and largest-scale foreign-related agency dealing with intellectualproperty(IP) legal affairs. Early in January 1957, the CCPITworked as an agent for foreign-related trademark affairs, and established theTrademark Agency in 1988.When the StateCouncil approved the establishment of thePatent Office of China in 1980 it assignedthe CCPIT to make preparations for theformation of the country’s first foreign- relatedpatent agency.With the promulgation and