流行性出血热(肾型)的研究历史已有40年之久。此病传播途径至今不明。恙螨、革螨、空气、接触等都曾被认为传播媒介与途径。众说纷云,莫衷一是。 1961年秋冬,安徽省颖上县垂岗区发生本病流行。其流行因素另有专题报告。垂岗区临近淮河,区内有长20公里、宽5公里的唐垛湖(洼池)。1961年,雨量稀少,全湖干
The history of epidemic hemorrhagic fever (kidney type) has been around for 40 years. The transmission of the disease has so far been unknown. Chigger mites, leather mites, air, exposure and so on have all been considered as media and channels. There are so many different opinions. Autumn and winter of 1961, Yingxian County, Anhui Province, Huanggang epidemic occurred in this area. Another special report on its prevalence factors. Dao Gang District near the Huaihe River, the district has a length of 20 km, 5 km wide Tangduohu (depression pool). In 1961, scarce rainfall, the whole lake dry