约翰·厄尔文是一位享誉西方文坛的大作家,在他的名下拥有10本畅销书,其中包括被改编成电影的《加普人生观》、《新罕布什尔旅馆》和获得2000年奥斯卡最佳男配角奖的《苹果酒屋的规则》。在这三部影片中,只有《苹果酒屋的规则》的剧本是作者本人创作的。令人感到惊讶的是,约翰·厄尔文创作这个剧本竟花费了13年之久。而且他为将这部作品搬上银幕提出了非常刻薄的条件:导演、演员和拍摄的脚本都必须征得他本人的同意。厄尔文自己就说过,这三个条件缺一不可,否则电影就拍不成。 1《果酒屋的规则》讲述了一个孤儿的故事,这个叫做霍默·韦尔斯(Homer Wells)的孤儿在一所孤儿院长大。霍默·韦尔斯本来应该像其他孤儿院的孩子一样,被人认领走,但他屡次被认领走后,又被送了回来。韦尔伯·拉赤大夫和护士们最终觉得这孩子应该是属于孤儿院的,他在
John Earvin, a renowned writer in the Western literary world, has 10 best-selling books under his belt, including “Gap’s Life”, “New Hampshire Hotel” and “The New Hampshire Hotel” Best Supporting Actor Award “cider rules.” Of the three films, only the script for the “Cider House Rules” was created by the author himself. Surprisingly, it took John Earvin to create the script for 13 years. And he made very modest conditions for putting the work on screen: the director, the actress, and the script taken must all get his consent. Earvin himself said that these three conditions are indispensable, otherwise the film can not beat. 1 The Rules of the Wine Cellar tells the story of an orphan, an orphan named Homer Wells, who grew up in an orphanage. Homer Wells was supposed to be taken away just as children of other orphanages, but was repeatedly taken back and sent back. Dr. Verb Racchi and his nurses finally thought that the child should belong to the orphanage,