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铜绿金龟(虫甲)是北京地区的一种重要害虫,一年发生一代,以3龄幼虫在土壤51~75厘米深层越冬。成虫每年6~9月出现,成虫有较强的趋光性,一日内以19:30′~21:00′活动最盛。成虫食性杂,每一雌虫一生可产卵30~40粒。产卵期为4~5天。在9种含水量(0.3、2、4、6、8、10、15、20和25%)土壤与5种温度(10、17、25、30、37℃)组合下,试验结果卵在温度25℃与8~15%含水量土壤内孵化率最高。卵的发育起点温度是9.14±1.15℃,发育有效积温为178.05日度。幼虫季节性垂直分布与10厘米土温变化有关,秋季当10厘米土温低于10℃,幼虫向土壤深层迁移,春季当10厘米土温高于6℃幼虫向土壤表层迁移。每年4~5月及8~9月幼虫10厘米作物外进行为害,这时亦导防治的有利时机。 Copper beetle (Pest) is an important pest in Beijing, a generation a year, to third instar larvae in the soil deep in the winter of 51 to 75 cm. Adults from June to September each year, adults have a strong phototaxis, one day to 19:30 ’~ 21:00’ activity of the most. Adult feeding habits, each female may spawn life 30 ~ 40 tablets. Spawning period of 4 to 5 days. Under the combination of 9 kinds of soil (0.3, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) and 5 kinds of temperature (10,17,25,30,37 ℃) 25 ℃ and 8 ~ 15% water content in the soil hatch rate is the highest. The starting point of egg development temperature is 9.14 ± 1.15 ℃, the development of effective accumulated temperature of 178.05 days. The seasonal vertical distribution of larvae was related to 10 cm soil temperature change. In autumn, when 10 cm soil temperature was lower than 10 ℃, the larva migrated to the soil layer. In spring, the larva migrated to soil surface when the 10 cm soil temperature was higher than 6 ℃. From April to May and from August to September each year, 10 cm of the larvae are harmed outside the crop, and this is also a favorable opportunity for prevention and treatment.
简介新发现的核桃实生苗根结线虫病的症状、危害及侵染情况。鉴定出其病原是花生根结线虫。 Brief introduction The newly discovered walnut seedling root knot nematode
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1983年6月在我院土肥所试验地发现大豆孢囊线虫病,经过鉴定确认病原为大豆孢囊线虫(Heterodera glycines)。为了研究其生物学特性,积累数据资料,给防治提供依据,将大豆孢囊
近年来,随着种植结构的不断调整,青州市山区旱地马铃薯扩种面积较大,由于马铃薯瓢虫Epilachna vigintioctomaculata(Motschlsky)的危害,严重威胁着马铃薯的生产和发展.我们