
来源 :社区 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:esshuc
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社区这个概念,天生就是与居住有关联的。普通人倾毕生财力甚至经过几代人的努力才能实现的购房梦想,能否真正给人们带来新的生活品质,这不仅仅取决于楼盘的档次,更要由社区的氛围来决定。因此,人们买房的同时,越来越看重社区环境。现在,一般情况下,建造楼盘由房地产开发商负责,而社区建设,是政府的事情,具体地说,是由市、区、街、居这样一个被称作“两级政府、三级管理、四级落实”的城市管理体系来落实的。这里,就出现了一个从楼盘建造到社区建设的过渡,出现了一个企业与政府的链接问题。政府如何发挥和调动企业参与社区建设的积极性?房地产商作为房屋的建造者有没有可能承担起社区管理和社区服务的职责?应该采取什么方式来承担这样的职责?这些方式能否持之以恒、能否实现与法律和居民自治的衔接?这是社区建设所必须面对的问题。 The concept of community is inherently associated with living. Ordinary people spend their finances even after several generations of hard work to achieve the dream of home buyers can really bring people a new quality of life, not only depends on the grade of real estate, but also to the atmosphere of the community to decide. Therefore, people pay more attention to the community environment at the same time they buy a house. Now, under normal circumstances, real estate developers are responsible for the construction of real estate, and community construction is a matter for the government. Specifically, it is composed of cities, districts, streets and neighborhoods called “two levels of government, three levels of management, Four levels of implementation ”of the city management system to implement. Here, there has been a transition from the construction of real estate to community building, there has been a business-government link. How can the government play an active role in mobilizing enterprises to participate in community construction? Is it possible for the real estate developers to take up the responsibilities of community management and community service as the builders of houses? What should be done to undertake these responsibilities? To achieve the convergence of law and residents’ autonomy? This is a problem that community construction must face.
在这双喜临门的日子里,安徽教育出版社衷心感谢广大作者读者的信任 衷心感谢社会各界的厚爱 In this double happiness day, Anhui Education Press heartily thanks the re
现在已知,海马与丘脑下部,脑垂体,肾上腺、甲状腺和性腺有关系。1976年Sa-rrat提出,海马与胰岛之间存在密切的关系。现就有关海马、丘脑下部、胰岛的关系简介如下。 It is
1、家庭生活服务 与城市居民生活息息相关的家庭生活服务起步较早,随着生活水平的提高也得到进一步发展。目前,城市中的家庭生活服务有如下几种类型: (1)保姆入户服务:起始
Preconditioning stimulus:Preconditioning is an adaptive response,whereby a small dose of a harmful substance protects the brain from a subsequent damaging insul