2013年初,引人注目的恒盛地产坝上街环球中心RBD(Recreational Business District城市游憩商业区)城市综合体项目正式推出,恒盛地产以城市综合改造的恢宏手笔,在合肥缔造出一个城市“双塔名片”。这将给合肥带来的不仅是老城区改造发展的契机,更是合肥城市运营发展的
At the beginning of 2013, the project of attracting attention to the urban complex of RBD (Recreational Business District Recreational Business District) at Galleria Hengsheng Real Estate was officially launched. Glorious Real Estate has taken the grand transformation of urban comprehensive transformation to create a city in Hefei. “Twin towers card.” This will not only bring Hefei an opportunity to transform and develop the old city, but also to develop and operate Hefei’s city