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电缆故障探测仪是用于判断橡胶、塑料绝缘动力电缆及其它在地面上的绝缘电话线、电灯线内部芯线断线的准确位置。当芯线未断时,两线间产生较强的电磁感应,通过探捧接收信号较明显。当芯线断线时,电磁感应急骤减弱,则接收信号极弱或消失。从而判断芯线断线的位置。结构情况:全部采用晶体管电路,故体积小,重量轻,耗电少,造价低,携带方便。手枪式接收器和烟合式发生器均采用接触插头座,工作结束时,拔出插头,即切断电源,省略开关,操作方便。 Cable fault detector is used to determine the rubber, plastic insulated power cables and other insulated telephone lines on the ground, the exact location of the wire inside the broken wire. When the core is not broken, strong electromagnetic induction between the two lines, through the exploratory reception signal more obvious. When the core wire is broken, the electromagnetic induction abruptly weakens, and the received signal is very weak or disappears. In order to determine the location of the core wire break. Structure: all the transistor circuit, so small size, light weight, low power consumption, low cost, easy to carry. Pistol receiver and smoke generator are used contact plug seat, the work ends, unplug the plug, which cut off the power, omit the switch, easy to operate.
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为了制造高强度滚动轴承,全苏铁路运输科学研究院(ЦНИИ МПС)和莫斯科冶金夜校、全苏轴承工业科学研究院、全苏高频电科学研究院和哈尔科夫国家轴承工厂 In order to
我乔迁新居了。看着宽敞明亮、装修一新的大房子和典雅古朴的家具、一应俱全的新家电,我感慨不已。 I moved to a new home. Looking at the bright and spacious, renovate
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用途 供L型和KFT—1型客车发电机检修时做性能试验之用。 构造及使用说明 一、客车发电机试验设备的构造 为了在试验时模拟发电机在列车上安装时的运行情况,本设备主要由直