
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucas_f
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近年来,随着花卉的频繁交流和引进,花卉病毒病害也相继扩散蔓延,对花卉的危害日渐严重。下面笔者简单介绍一些病毒病害的分类、鉴别和防治知识,供广大花卉爱好者参考。一、病毒病害的分类目前,对病毒病害的分类,尚未见统一意见,笔者试以危害的部位和病害外观分类。 1.综合类:株上呈现花叶、畸形叶,茎节变短、主茎不发育、侧枝丛生,花蕾减少甚至不孕蕾或有蕾不开放等症状。主要受害花卉为大丽花、百日草、牵牛花、蛇目 In recent years, with the frequent exchange and introduction of flowers, flower virus diseases have also spread and spread one after another, and the harm to flowers has become increasingly serious. The following is a brief introduction of some virus disease classification, identification and prevention knowledge for the majority of flower lovers reference. First, the classification of virus diseases At present, the virus classification of diseases, no unified opinion, the author try to harm the site and the appearance of the disease classification. 1. Comprehensive categories: strains appear on the mosaic, deformed leaf, shorter stalk, the main stem is not developed, collateral tufts, buds to reduce or even not bud or bud and other symptoms are not open. The main victims of flowers for dahlia, zinnia, morning glory, serpent head
近年来,水稻干尖线虫病的危害较为严重,成为我省粳、糯稻生产的突出问题。 为了做好防治工作,各地开展了病情调查与产量损失率测定。句容、武进等地的调查结果表明,田间能够
湿地松(Pinus clliottii E.)、火炬松(Pinus taeda linn)具有速生、丰产、抗瘠薄、抗松毛虫等优良特性,因而深受群众欢迎。但随着较大面积人工纯林的出现,松赤枯病为害逐渐
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胡椒瘟病〔(基腐病)foot rot〕,属藻状菌纲疫霉菌属.病原菌为疫霉菌(phyto-phthora palmivoravar perig Muller.)是一种有传染能力的土壤性病害,对胡椒危害性大.1972、1985年
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1983年春,我们先后从青杨天牛(Sap-erda populnea L.)的越冬幼虫虫尸上分离出顶孢霉(Cephalosporium acremoniumCorda.)、球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiaha(Balsamo)Vuill.)、
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