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我国现有各级行类业余体校3687所,受训学生约30万人。八十年代以来恢复和创建的体育传统项目学校目前已有22954所,受训学生达436万人。近几年国家教委根据学校课余体育训练发展规划,在传统项目学校基础上,又创建了259所体育后备人才试点学校。这三种培养体育后备人才形式的学校,其现状是: 1.各级业余体校:其管理体制,办学形式各有不同。有体委为主管理的,有教委为主管理的,也有两家合办的;办学形式有“一集中”的、“二集中”的、“三集中”(集中食宿、集中学习、集中训练)的。它存在的主要问题是训练与文化学习的矛盾不易解决好,学生的升学、就业问题是各体校较普遍存在而又急需解决的问题。 2.体育传统校:即在一个学校里,以一、两个项目为主、形成传统,提高运动技术水平。它是由教育部门和体育部门两家联合创办的,较好地调动了体育、教育部门和学校各方面的积极性,十多年来为国家输送了大批的优秀后备人才。然而,体育传统校也存在着不足:目前,被命名的体育传统校绝对数偏多,各方面的投入条件有限,对传统校的评估重点不突出,缺乏完整、统一的训练大纲;教师训练水平大多不能适应系统训练的需要。 There are 3687 amateur physical schools at all levels in our country, with about 300,000 trainees. There are now 22,954 sports traditional schools restored and created since the 1980s, with 4.36 million students trained. In recent years, the State Education Commission, according to the school after-school sports training and development plan, based on the traditional project school, has created 259 sports reserve pilot schools. These three kinds of sports reserve personnel in the form of schools, the status quo is: 1. Amateur sports schools at all levels: its management system, school forms are different. There are also two co-sponsors, such as “one concentration”, “two concentration” and “three concentration” (centralized accommodation, concentrated learning and intensive training )of. The main problem is that it is not easy to solve the contradiction between training and cultural learning. Students’ furthering and employment problems are more common problems in schools and need to be solved urgently. 2 sports traditional school: that is, in a school, with one or two projects mainly to form a tradition, improve the level of sports skills. It was jointly established by the education department and the sports department. It has aroused the enthusiasm of the sports, education departments and schools in all aspects and has delivered a large number of outstanding reserve talents to the country for more than 10 years. However, there are still some shortcomings in traditional PE schools. At present, the number of traditional PE schools named is too large, the investment conditions are limited in all aspects, the evaluation of traditional schools is not focused, and there is a lack of a complete and unified training program. Teachers’ training level Most can not adapt to the needs of system training.
我国乒乓球裁判员等级分为国家级、一级、二级和三级。 各级裁判员简要标准 三级:懂得竞赛规则,并基本上能正确运用,或者经过当地体育局举办的裁判员培训班学习,能担任市、
The hydraulic engineering body of the 300 000 tons of crude oil terminal at Tianjin Port is basically completed through the two-year construction.Tianjing Port
本刊讯 日前 ,贵州省林业科学研究院荣获由国家科技部、中宣部、国家教委、中国科协联合评选的“全国青少年科技教育基地”称号 ,并于 2 0 0 0年 3月 12日举行了授牌仪式暨
1 选择好栽植地点银杏寿命长 ,1次栽植百年得益。栽植后 ,不要再移植。因为每移植 1次需 2~ 3a缓苗期才能恢复生机。应栽植在离院墙、大树、房屋、草堆等高大物体远些的地方。