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目的 观察祛痰开肺法治疗小儿肺炎的疗效.方法 治疗组 40例采用自拟中药方剂治疗 ,与对照组西药常规治疗 30例对照 ,进行系统的临床观察.结果 治疗组及对照组总有效率(分别为 95%、96.7%)、退热时间、咳嗽气急消失时间及临床平均治愈时间比较均无显著性差异( P >0 .0 5).结论 祛痰开肺中药治疗小儿肺炎与西药常规治疗疗效相同.“,”Objective To evaluate the effect of expelling phlegm and ventilating the lung on pneumonia in children. Methods 70 patients with pneumonia in children were allocated to treatment group control group. In control group (n=30) routine therapy was utilized and in treatment group (n=40) prescription of traditional Chinese medicine was used. Results The total effective rate of treatment and control group are 95%, 96.7%. There are no obvious difference in the time of bring down a fever, disappearance of cough and dyspnea. Conclusions The method of expelling phlegm and ventilating the lung can effectively treat pneumonia in children as routine method of Western Medicine.
目的 观察艾烧三联疗法治疗尖锐湿疣 ( CA)疗效.方法 68例患者分 2组 ,治疗组 38例采用艾烧三联疗法 ,即用 2 5%酒精消毒病灶及周围 ,2%利多卡因与 2 .5%5氟脲嘧啶 ,按4∶ 1
目的 观察低能量HE-NE激光血管内照射治疗慢性乙型病毒性肝炎HBEAG阳性的疗效.方法 治疗组用低能量 HE-NE激光进行血管内照射,每日 1次,每次 60 MIN,连续照射 5日,休息 5日,治
目的 观察疏血通注射液治疗急性脑梗死疗效.方法 将急性脑梗死患者 70例随机分为 2组,各 35例.治疗组予疏血通注射液 6 ML,对照组予血塞通注射液 6 ML,均加入生理盐水250 ML