搞好信贷管理 加速资金周转

来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonnyyu
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军内资金调剂中心自1986年成立以来,在短短的6年多时间里,共融通资金上百亿,融通网络已基本上覆盖全军。既有力地扶持和促进了军工企业和部队生产经营的发展,又为部队带来直接的利息收入。这些资金进入企业生产领域后,呈现出高速周转、效益丰收的喜人形势。联系实际谈体会,可以归纳为一句话:必须按信贷资金运动规律办事,即尊重“以协调社会再生产和提高经济效益为目标,按期还本付息为条件,货币资金存、取、贷、收不断交替、往复不已的特殊的价值运动规律”。笔者认为,要搞好这项工作,应解决好下列四个方面的问题。一、必须坚持为企业服务,把资金调剂建立在发展部队生产经营需要的基础上“以协调社会再生产和提高经济效益为目标”,说明社会主义信贷资金运动的目的 Since its establishment in 1986, the military funds swap center has raised a total of 10 billion yuan in just six years and the network has basically covered the whole army. Both efforts have been made to support and promote the development of the production and operation of military enterprises and units and bring about direct interest income to the units. After these funds entered the field of enterprise production, they showed a gratifying situation of high-speed turnaround and effective harvest. Contact with the actual experience will be summed up in one sentence: we must act in accordance with the law of movement of credit funds, that is, respect “to coordinate the social reproduction and increase economic efficiency as the goal, repayment of interest on schedule as the condition, monetary funds deposit, take, loan, Constantly alternating, reciprocating special value of the law of movement. ” In my opinion, to do a good job, we should solve the following four problems. First, we must persist in serving the enterprises and establish the allocation of funds on the basis of the production and operation needs of the development force. The objective is “to coordinate social reproduction and increase economic efficiency,” and to explain the purpose of the socialist credit fund movement
【摘要】写作可以考察学生的词汇量,锻炼学生造句、措辞的能力,同时可以促进学生英语综合能力的提升。因此,在高中英语教学中,教师应重视写作教学的重要性,积极改变传统的教学观念、创新教学方法。提高英语写作教学质量,激发出学生对英语学习的积极性,以促进学生写作水平与作文质量的有效提升。  【关键词】高中英语 写作教学 问题及对策 探微  写作不仅考察学生的词汇量,语法、句子构成等知识,同时考察了学生对所学
对土工试验中应当注意的问题进行了分析,从制样、物理力学试验、试验数据三个方面对其进行了论述,提出了试验成果综合分析方法 This paper analyzes the problems that shou