A review of engine application and fundamental study on turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen en

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cairaymond
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The application and fundamental study on turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas is reviewed in this paper.Discussions include the combustion characteristics of direct injection engine fueled with hydrogen enriched natural gas,visualization study of direct injection combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas using a constant volume vessel,and the fundamental study of turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas.The effect of additional hydrogen on the combustion process of natural gas engine is investigated from the fundamental view of the interaction between combustion reaction and turbulent flow. The application and fundamental study on turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas is reviewed in this paper. Discus include the combustion characteristics of direct injection engine fueled with hydrogen enriched natural gas, visualization study of direct injection combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas using a constant volume vessel, and the fundamental study of turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas. the effect of additional hydrogen on the combustion process of natural gas engine is investigated from the fundamental view of the interaction between combustion reaction and turbulent flow.
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