Traffic-load prediction based on echo state network improved by Bayesian theory in 10G-EPON

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:carlos_yu
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With the evolution of 10-gigabit Ethernet passive optical network(10G-EPON), the traffic-load prediction ability is necessary to support soaring services traffic with diversified characteristics and requirements. As a strong candidate to be used for the traffic-load prediction, the echo state network(ESN) may face the pseudo-regression problem and need to be improved for the better traffic-load prediction. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes an ESN based traffic-load prediction scheme using Bayesian theory in 10G-EPON for future-proof. In this proposed approach, Bayesian probability is introduced into the ESN and is used to improve the performance of ESN. According to the architecture between optical line terminal(OLT) and optical network units(ONU) in 10G-EPON, an ESN based on the Bayesian theory(B-ESN) is realized and the B-ESN based traffic load prediction scheme is also developed in OLT. Experiment results show that the proposed scheme can greatly better the accuracy of traffic-load prediction with lower complex degree. With the evolution of 10-gigabit Ethernet passive optical network (10G-EPON), the traffic-load prediction ability is necessary to support soaring services traffic with diversified characteristics and requirements. As a strong candidate to be used for the traffic-load prediction, the echo state network (ESN) may face the pseudo-regression problem and need to be improved for the better traffic-load prediction. To overcome this problem, this paper proposes an ESN based traffic-load prediction scheme using Bayesian theory in 10G-EPON for the future-proof. Bayesian probability is introduced into the ESN and is used to improve the performance of the ESN. According to the architecture between optical line terminal (OLT) and optical network units (ONU) in 10G-EPON, an ESN based on the Bayesian theory (B-ESN) is realized and the B-ESN based traffic load prediction scheme is also also developed in OLT. Experiment results show that the proposed scheme can greatly better the accuracy of t raffic-load prediction with lower complex degree.
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2007全国高校毕业生优秀雕塑作品展于6月30日在清华科技园阳光厅隆重开幕。此次展览由《雕塑》杂志社、中国教育学会美术教育研究会和清华大学美术学院主办,展 2007 Nationa