Determination of regional distribution of crop transpiration and soil water use efficiency using qua

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vacer2008
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A two-layer model used to get the estimated values of crop transpiration by inversion using remote sensing data, which has been proved effective at some agricultural-ecological sta-tions, is first discussed. An important part of it is the temperature separation model (in which thesurface temperature in a mixed pixel is separated into soil surface temperature and crop canopysurface temperature) on the basis of bi-temporal radiometric temperature in a mixed pixel and its thermal inertia. To improve the inversion, the authors put forward some new algorithms, including an algorithm for the estimation of regional emissivities, a static feedback algorithm using surfacetemperature for the extension of air temperature at ecological stations to the region surroundingthem and a spatial extension algorithm for calculating the wind speed 2 m above the ground withsurface roughness and radiometric temperature. Finally, regional distributions of crop transpiration (CT) and soil water use efficiency (SWUE) in North China were calculated pixel by pixel usingNOAA-AVHRR data and surface measurements and calibrations. The results provide a way toassess the effects of various agricultural practices on SWUE by using remote sensing data inNorth China in spring. A two-layer model used to get the estimated values ​​of crop transpiration by inversion using remote sensing data, which has been proven effective at some agricultural-ecological sta- tions, is first discussed. An important part of it is the temperature separation model in which thesurface temperature in a mixed pixel is separated into soil surface temperature and crop canopysurface temperature) on the basis of bi-temporal radiometric temperature in a mixed pixel and its thermal inertia. To improve the inversion, the authors put forward some new algorithms, including an algorithm for the estimation of regional emissivities, a static feedback algorithm using surface temperature for the extension of air temperature at ecological stations to the region surrounding them and a spatial extension algorithm for calculating the wind speed 2 m above the ground with surface roughness and radiometric temperature. Finally, regional distributions of crop transpiration (CT) and soil water use efficiency ( SWUE) in North China were calculated pixel by pixel usingNOAA-AVHRR data and surface measurements and calibrations. The results provide a way toassess the effects of various agricultural practices on SWUE by using remote sensing data in North China in spring.
本刊讯(记者 李栋)3月24日,由广电行业大数据研究咨询机构泽传媒主办的“大数据重塑中国电视——卫视全媒体传播成果调研”媒体深度沟通会在京举行。国家新闻出版广电总局监管中心副主任金文雄,中国广播影视报刊协会会长梁刚建、副会长李宗达,泽传媒CEO杜泽壮等出席了会议并与参会的多家媒体进行了深度沟通。  会上推出了国内首份《2014“两会”全媒体传播大数据分析报告》。报告显示(3月5日至21日数据):参
【摘 要】思想政治课是体校德育课程的重要组成部分,担负着传授知识和德育教育的双重使命。本文从知识性和德育性两方面入手,分析思想政治课在体校德育课程中的定位,并提出了应对策略。  【关键词】思想政治;德育;体校;定位;策略  2001年,教育部印发《关于中等职业学校德育课课程设置与教学安排的意见》,把“政治课”改为“德育课”,把职业指导列为必修内容,必修课程从原来的9门精简为“职业道德与职业指导”
【摘 要】在这个崭新的历史时期里,各大高校需要认识到思想政治理论课的重要性,教师要增强思想政治理论课教学的吸引力、说服力和感染力。在高校政治理论课上的教学活动要有针对性、目的性以及时效性,这三个特色需要教师重新制定其在教学活动中的角色扮演。一名优秀的思想政治理论课教师,他必须拥有学科的专业素养,他是学生人生的导师,同时也是心理健康的教育者。本文针对高校思想政治理论课的教学现状进行调查,发现教学缺
【摘 要】在提倡素质教育的今天,对学生进行德育教育显得尤为重要,寓德育于语文教学之中,不仅可以陶冶学生的情操,培养学生的高尚品质,还可以促使学生树立正确的世界观。对小学生进行道德教育,完善其对道德的认识,发展其道德能力是小学教育的重要职责之一。本文主要探讨小学语文教学德育渗透的重要性、存在的问题及方法,以期唤醒广大教师与学生对德育的重视,将德育放在教学的重要位置。  【关键词】小学语文;德育;渗