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张先生在两年前与某房地产开发公司签订商品房购房合同,购买商品房一套,总价80万元。合同约定该房地产开发公司在2003年5月底交房,交房之日起180天内办理房屋产权证书。同时约定如因房地产开发公司的责任造成张先生不能如期取得房屋产权证书,张先生有权按已付购房款的2%进行索? Mr. Zhang signed a commercial housing purchase contract with a real estate development company two years ago to buy a set of commercial housing with a total price of 800,000 yuan. Contract The real estate development company in the end of May 2003 submitted to the Housing, 180 days from the date of completion of housing property rights certificate. At the same time, as a result of the responsibility of real estate development company as a result of Mr. Zhang can not obtain housing property certificates as scheduled, Mr. Zhang has the right to pay 2% of the purchase price?
各证券监管办公室、办事处、特派员办事处、专员办事处,各期货交易所: Securities Regulatory Offices, Offices, Special Representatives Offices, Commissioner’s Offi
在国外,带有Wi-Fi(无线保真)功能几乎是智能手机的标准配置。但是,所有带有Wi-Fi功能的国外品牌手机,都不能直接进入中国,必须把Wi-Fi功能去掉才能进入国内市场,而国内厂商则直接禁止销售带有Wi-Fi功能的手机。这一切都缘于我国自行研发的WAPI无线技术。  WAPI是WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure的英文缩写,即无线局域网鉴别与