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初中生理卫生神经系统脊蛙反射实验是一个很重要的实验。实验中应注意的问题有: (1)脊蛙制作中,头部剪得不宜过大。一般头部应从齐鼓膜之后剪除,但不宜过于靠后,否则就会因损伤脊髓,使四肢瘫痪,从而失去反射能力。 (2)刚剪除脑的脊蛙,因脊髓处于休克状态,暂时对刺激不起反应,大约等10min左右,即可进行实验。 (3)切除脑的脊蛙,肺呼吸一般停止了,要靠皮肤呼吸。因此,在实验中,要用纱布浸水后湿润皮肤,以防干燥,影响脊蛙呼吸。 The junior physiology health nervous system frog frog reflection experiment is a very important experiment. The problems that should be noted in the experiment are: (1) In the frog production, the head should not be cut too much. The general head should be cut off after the tympanic membrane, but it should not be too far behind, otherwise it will damage the spinal cord and make the limbs paralyzed, thus losing the ability to reflect. (2) The ridge frog that has just been cut off from the brain, because the spinal cord is in a state of shock, is temporarily unable to respond to stimuli, and about 10 minutes can be tested. (3) Excision of the brain’s ridge frog, lung breathing is generally stopped, rely on the skin to breathe. Therefore, in the experiment, we should use gauze soaked in water to moisten the skin to prevent drying and affect the frog breathing.
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无端惆怅懒烹茶,信步园中厌古笳。难觅清幽嫌艳朵,忽收雅正醉流霞。四千余颤揪心病,两百丛菊裂肺花。悲喜纠结如麻乱,残阳如血染云涯。 Unnecessary melancholy lazy cookin