
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:missyouwqq
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上大学前,自认为已跟不上这个时代节奏的父亲只对我说了两句话:不要被金钱影响你的判断力,不要放弃升华自己的追求。其他的一切,我明白只能摸着石头过河。上大学的前两年,我循此二规,不曾逾矩。那两年里,我当学生干部就拚命工作,我上图书馆就拚命看书,假期则自筹资金到农村去搞社会调查,也是去体验生活。这种体验却带给我意料不到的冲击。山区农村的贫穷落后与城市里的繁华文明相比,是两个不同的世界。我到的 Before I went to college, my father, who thought I could not keep up with the rhythm of this era, said only two words to me: Do not be influenced by money, and do not give up the pursuit of sublimation. Everything else, I understand that I can only touch the stones across the river. The first two years of college, I follow these two rules, never more than moments. In those two years, when I was a student cadre, I worked hard. When I went to the library, I desperately read a book. During the holidays, I borrowed funds to go to rural areas to conduct social surveys and experience life. This experience has brought me an unexpected impact. Poverty and backwardness in mountainous rural areas are two different worlds compared to the bustling civilizations in cities. I arrived
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