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清代盛行辑佚,尤重《世本》。梁启超在《中国近三百年学术史》曾讲:“(清儒辑佚)古史中的《世本》及《竹书纪年》为主要品。”现存刊行本,有金溪王谟二卷、承德孙冯翼一卷、嘉兴陈其荣二卷、江都秦嘉谟十卷、武威张澍五卷、通州雷学淇二卷、高邮茆泮林六卷(以下简称)。尚有近人王梓材作《世本集览》,有目无实。1957年商务印书馆将诸本合编出版,名之曰《世本八种》,此书附有简略的校勘记,匡谬正俗,颇惠学人。但是,本世纪以来,几乎没有人对清辑《世本》逐本研究,有关的史学史著作很少评论《世本》,对诸辑本的褒贬不一。本 Lost in the Qing Dynasty, especially the “world”. Liang Qichao once said in his book “The History of Chinese Literature in the Past Three Hundred Years” that “The Book of History” and “The Book of Chronicles” in ancient history are the main products. “” Two volumes, a volume of Chengde Sun Fung Wing, Jiaxing Chen Qirong two volumes, Jiangdu Qin Jia ten volumes, Wuwei Zhang Shu five volumes, Tongzhou thunder Qi two volumes, Gaoyou Zan Pan Lin six volumes (hereinafter referred to). There are still close to Wang Zi material for “World Book Collection”, there is nothing. In 1957, the Commercial Press published various editions of this book with the name of “The Book of Eight,” which is accompanied by a brief outline of the collation, the fallacy of the Falun Dafa and the good scholarship. However, since the beginning of this century, few people have ever criticized the “world capital” for the study of the “world capital” of the Qing dynasty and the few books on the history of the history. The criticisms of the series are mixed. this
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图书馆实行岗位责任制的成绩与问题。目标管理的概念,目标的制定、实施与评价。目标管理与岗位责任制的比较 Achievements and Problems in the System of Job Responsibilit
概述了中国图书馆学理论研究的特点 ,归纳了图书馆学理论研究 8个方面的主要内容、观点和进展情况 Summarized the characteristics of Chinese library science research,
病历摘要女,10岁,四川江津县人。因多发性大关节游走性疼痛、低热、心累月余,于1990年12月17日入院。 Female medical records, 10 years old, Jiangjin County, Sichuan Provi