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今天,我先介绍全国工交生产形势,然后讲一讲国家计委今年和治理整顿期间对设备管理工作的要求,再请大家发言,交流经验,沟通情况,互相启发。会后,请结合本单位情况,扎扎实实地安排好全年设备管理工作。 (一) 去年以来,各地区、各部门贯彻执行治理整顿、深化改革方针,以控制速度、调整结构、提高效益为重点,加强生产调度工作,动员广大职工深入开展“双增双节”运动,过高的工业速度已经回落,生产仍保持一定增长幅度,有效供给得到保证,产业结构有所调整,总的情况是好的。 1989年工交生产的情况和特点是:(1)工业增长速度明显回落,产业结构有所调整。全年工业总产值完成12955亿元,比上年增长6.8%。(2)煤、电、主要原材料生产和交通运输持续增长,供需紧张矛盾有所缓和。原煤突破十亿吨大关,完成10.25亿吨,比上年增长 Today, I will first introduce the situation in the country’s industrial and trade production. Then I will talk about the requirements of the State Development Planning Commission for the management of equipment during this year and during the rectification period. I would like to invite everyone to speak again, exchange experiences, communicate information and inspire each other. After the meeting, please combine the unit’s situation and make a solid arrangement for the year’s equipment management. (a) Since last year, all regions and departments have implemented the principle of rectifying and deepening reforms, focusing on controlling speed, adjusting the structure, and improving efficiency, strengthening production scheduling, and mobilizing the broad masses of employees to carry out the “double-increasing and double-knot” campaign. The excessively high industrial speed has already dropped, production still maintains a certain growth rate, effective supply is guaranteed, the industrial structure has been adjusted, and the overall situation is good. In 1989, the status and characteristics of industrial and commercial production were: (1) The growth rate of industry declined significantly, and the industrial structure was adjusted. The total industrial output value for the year was 1,295.5 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year. (2) The production of coal, electricity, major raw materials, and transportation continued to grow, and tension and supply tensions eased. Raw coal exceeded 1 billion tons and completed 10.25 billion tons, an increase from the previous year
为了适应改革、开放的新形势,我所从1982年以来认真抓了QC小组活动,并取得了一定成绩。 1.QC小组和参加的人数逐年增加,稳步发展 In order to adapt to the new situation
53岁的周金根,1984年出任上海自行车三厂厂长,1986年担任凤凰自行车(集团)公司理事长。 在中国大陆,凤凰牌自行车最为抢手,以致一位外国记者曾这样报道:在中国,拥有一辆凤凰
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《模具工业》第一次通讯员会议于5月15日至18日在上海召开。有关领导、编辑部负责人和全国各地的通讯员共38人参加了会议,会上全面介绍了编辑部的工作情况,回顾总结了 The