Editorial in General

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When this issue is published,the government of the People’s Republic of China has resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hongkong.July 1st, l997,a special day we have looking forword to so long comes now and will be cherished inside our memory ever. It’s a g1oble day.Since this day,British flag and Queen’s crown will disappear in Hongkong anymore and this oriental pearl will never leave her mother--China again.It is the focus of World attention,especially to a chinese,wherever he is,he will be proud of his nation,his country. It’s a great day.Severnty six years ago,the Communist Party was born in China at this moment and grew up stronger and stronger.This year,the 15th Communist Party Meeting will open and direct chinato a new century. When this issue is published, the government of the People’s Republic of China has resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hongkong .July 1st, l997, a special day we have looking forword to so long comes now and will be cherished inside our memory ever. It’s a g1oble day.Since this day, British flag and Queen’s crown will disappear in Hongkong anymore and this oriental pearl will never leave her mother - China again .It is the focus of World attention, especially to a chinese, wherever he is, he will be proud of his nation, his country. It’s a great day. Certainly six years ago, the Communist Party was born in China at this moment and grew up stronger and stronger.This year, the 15th Communist Party Meeting will open and direct chinato a new century.
7月24日上午,自治区林业局在南宁召开全区2008年上半年林业工作总结会。自治区林业局陈秋华局长在会上报告说,今年上半年全区林业六大方面工作取得明显成效。 On the mornin
摘 要:我国劳动法明确将劳动争议的处理程序分为一调、一裁、一诉,调解是劳动争议解决的重要程序但非必经程序。我国自古崇尚以和为贵加之程序诉累以及政府、社会的不良诱导,发生劳动争议当事人大多会选择信访解决。案件复杂性增加和信访维稳刚性的增加,在劳动争议的处理中明显暴露出三大矛盾:信访维稳和行政合法性的矛盾、案件复杂化与行政体制僵化的矛盾、行政机关权力又大又小的矛盾、案件处理综合化与行政人员素质的矛盾。
你的上司对你的态度会直接影响你的工作情绪,更会影响你的事业发展前途,所以如何处理与上司之间的关系已经跃居为办公室人际关系处理的关键和难题。 Your boss’s attitude
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