
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuwenglei
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林下植物群落的物种组成和结构不但影响森林生态系统的稳定和可持续发展,也影响着其服务功能的发挥。根据对内蒙半干旱低山丘陵区(武川县东坡林区)的人工及天然林研究表明:(1)当地林下植物一般以一年生植物、隐芽植物和地面芽植物种占绝对优势,3项合计占到所有植物种数的72~100%;(2)各种林地林下灌木层和草本层盖度都很低,分别为0~5.02%和1.94~17.56%;林下植物(灌木层+草本层)的总盖度大小顺序为:云杉林(55.02%)>小叶杨林(17.56%)>白桦林、白榆林和山杨林(5.45~8.40%)>荒草地对照(4.63%)>油松林、落叶松林和油松+落叶松林(2.10~4.09%);(3)各种林地林下优势植物种类差异不大,灌木层优势种类以绣线菊(Spiraea salicifolia)、蒙古荚蒾(Viburnum mongoli-cum)为主,草本层优势种类以羊胡子草(Carex rigescens)为主,其次有各种蒿类(Artem isia)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、灰藜(Chenopodium album)、苦菜(Mulgedium tataricum)和红芪(Hedysarum polybotrys)等;(4)林下灌木既少且物种多样性极低,林下草本层物种多样性指数也不大。各林地林下植物(灌木层+草本层)总的物种多样性指数和(丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数之和)大小顺序为:小叶杨林(5.83)>白榆林、油松林、油松+落叶松林(5.03~5.50)>白桦林、荒草地对照(4.48)>山杨林(3.28)>落叶松(2.89)>云杉林(1.13)。 Species composition and structure of undergrowth plant communities not only affect the stability and sustainable development of forest ecosystems, but also affect their service functions. According to the studies of artificial and natural forests in the semi-arid hilly region of Inner Mongolia (Dongpo Forest Region, Wuchuan County), it shows that: (1) The native understory plants are generally dominated by annual plants, cryptophytes and terrestrial budding plants, 3 (2) The coverage of shrub layer and herb layer in all forestlands is very low, ranging from 0 to 5.02% and 1.94 to 17.56%, respectively. Undergrowths (shrubs The order of the total coverage of the layer, the layer and the herb layer is: spruce forest (55.02%)> Populus simonii (17.56%)> birch forest, white yulin forest and poplar forest (5.45 ~ 8.40% %)> Pinus tabulaeformis forest, Larix gmelinii forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest + Larix forest (2.10 ~ 4.09%); (3) There was no significant difference in the species of dominant plants among the various forestland stands. The dominant species of shrub layer were Spiraea salicifolia, Viburnum mongoli-cum dominated the dominant species in the herb layer, Carex rigescens, followed by Artemisia, Agropyron cristatum, Chenopodium album, , Mulgedium tataricum and Hedysarum polybotrys, etc .; (4) There were only a few understory shrubs and very low species diversity. The species diversity of understory herb layer The number is not large. The order of species diversity, abundance, diversity index and evenness index of undergrowths (shrub layer + herb layer) in each forest was as follows: Populus simonii (5.83)> P. yulin, Pinus tabulaeformis , Pinus tabulaeformis + Larix gmelini forest (5.03 ~ 5.50)> Betula platyphylla forest and weed control (4.48)> Populus euphratica (3.28)> Larix (2.89)> Picea abies (1.13).
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