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什么是职业道德,新时期职业道德建设的基本内容是什么,共产党员为什么要严格遵守职业道德规范,做新时期职业道德建设的先锋,这是我们在学习六中全会《决议》过程中需要认真解决的问题。 一、新时期职业道德建设的基本内容 职业道德是社会道德体系中的一个重要组成部分。它是随社会分工的发展而产生的,以善恶、好坏等价值判断来调节劳动者的职业活动,以保障社会分工体系有效秩序的各种行为规范的总和。它是社会生活的一般道德原则在 What are the professional ethics? What is the basic content of the construction of professional ethics in the new era? Why should communists strictly observe the code of professional ethics and be the vanguard of the construction of professional ethics in the new period? This is something that we should conscientiously study in the resolution of the 6th Plenary Session solved problem. First, the basic elements of the construction of professional ethics in the new era Occupational ethics is an important part of the social morality system. It is with the development of social division of labor arising from the judgments, such as good and evil, good and bad value judgments to regulate the occupational activities of workers in order to ensure the effective social order system, the sum of various codes of conduct. It is the general ethical principle of social life
水产养殖保险标的,从小苗开始养殖,到长成要经历一个较长的过程,在这个过程中有的会被淘汰,这给发生损失后的亏损增加了难度。因此在赔偿处理中应遵循以下原则: (1)重条款、