
来源 :江苏农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdydrd
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从水稻个体的角度,研究耕法、栽插深度对其发育的效应。结果表明,免耕水稻的早发现象,是浅栽与免耕的协同效应,其效应值达40%,深栽具有抑制免耕水稻的早发作用,抑制效应为26.7%,深栽抑制了水稻基部叶分蘖的发生和耕翻水稻的分蘖性,但深栽导致免耕水稻分蘖的稳定发展,并分配合理,成穗率提高,上层根增加。浅栽激发了耕翻田水稻的分蘖性,并使最高分蘖叶位降至第9叶,其总发生量比其它处理高7~9个,但浅栽降低了成穗率,后期的发根力明显不如深栽。深栽水稻个体产量显著高于浅栽,主要原因是深栽提高了每穗总粒数和千粒重,其中免耕分别高25.0粒和1.1g,耕翻分别高16.4粒和1.7g,产量以免耕深栽为最高。耕法对水稻个体产量的效应不显著,耕法与栽插深度对产量的互作效应也不显著 From the perspective of rice individuals, the effects of tillage and planting depth on their development were studied. The results showed that the early-onset phenomenon of no-tillage rice was the synergistic effect of shallow and no-tillage with the effect value reaching 40%. The deep planting could inhibit the premature growth of no-tillage rice with the inhibitory effect of 26.7% Inhibited the occurrence of tillering in rice basal leaves and the tillering ability of tillering rice. However, the deep tillering led to the stable development of tillering of tillering rice, and the allocation was reasonable. The earing rate increased and the upper root increased. The shallow plantations stimulated the tillering performance of tillering paddy field rice and reduced the highest tillering position to the 9th leaf, the total amount of which was 7-9 higher than other treatments, however, the shallowing reduced the rate of ear formation and the later rooting Obviously not as deep as the depth of planting. The main reason is that the deep planting increased the total number of grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight, of which 25.0 and 1.1g for no-tillage, 16.4 and 16.4 for tillage .7g, no-tillage cultivation planted to the highest. The effect of tillage on individual rice yield was insignificant, and the interaction effect between tillage and planting depth on yield was not significant
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本刊讯 日前,富民县县长杨相来率县政府办、县发改局、县财政局、县卫生局等部门主要负责人深入永定兴贡小学、罗免中心小学调研学生营养餐工作。  杨相来一行在实地察看两所学校食堂的后勤管理和学生营养膳食配餐情况和学生用餐情况后,杨县长对下一步如何做好学生营养餐工作提出了四方面的要求:一是要加强食堂后勤管理,确保食堂环境卫生整洁;二是要加强食品质量的安全监管,确保学生用餐安全;三是要加强资金的管理使用,确
脑瘫早期诊断一般是指对出生后0-6个月或0-9个月 间脑瘫的诊断,其中0-3个月间的诊断又称超早期诊断, 超早期诊断多称为中枢性协调障碍(ZKS)。当不能明确诊断 为哪一种类型脑
(一) 试验研究记录是科学研究工作和研究成果的直接反映。做好试验研究记录是研究工作的重要环节之一。从积累科学技术经验的角度来说,由于它直接记载了试验研究的具休情况,