欣赏16:9及2.35:1,两全其美 “新视风高清影音工作室”多功能娱乐室

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构建过程、声学和光学处理及特别设计影院构建:业主将原二个房间的隔墙、阳台打通合并打造一个独立视听室,为了厅室的采光及便于观赏室外风景,要求保留原有两个阳台的观景窗户,隔音门做成玻璃透光的推拉式。由于是拆墙改造而成,很遗憾视听室的中左侧有一根50×30cm宽的水泥柱,柱子的顶上是30×30cm宽连接到前后左右墙的十字板梁,因此大大增加了设计、装修和施工的难度:一是星空顶的设计布局方案,因原阳台宽度1.2米,房间宽度4米,是选择原二个房间连同阳台的整个视听室顶部,还是选择仅局限于原二个房间的顶部?二个 Construction process, acoustic and optical processing, and specially designed cinema construction: The owner opened the partition walls and balcony of the original two rooms and built an independent audio-visual room. For the lighting of the hall and for enjoying the outdoor scenery, the owners were required to retain the original two balconies The viewing window, sound-proof door made of glass transparent push-pull. Since it is a wall remodeling, it is a pity that there is a 50 × 30cm wide cement column on the left side of the room. The top of the column is a 30 × 30cm wide cross-beam connected to the front, rear, left and right walls, thus greatly increasing the design , The difficulty of renovation and construction: First, the top of the layout design, because the original balcony width of 1.2 meters, the room width of 4 meters, is to choose the original two rooms together with the balcony top of the entire audio-visual room, or choose only limited to the original two rooms The top two?
CAIJING  China’s Population Challenges  May 9    Results of last November’s nationwide population census show that China’s fertility, mortality and population growth rates are all low, which will crea
“每周六早晨,黄浦江边总是聚集了数以百计的善男信女,他们来到这里是为了一个目的——放生,短短3小时内,伴随着佛经唱诵声,约有2000条泥鳅被倒进了浑浊汹涌的江水中。”  这一次,“水平不知道高到哪里去了”的西方记者对中国的放生经济产生了兴趣,《经济学人》记者饶有兴致地介绍了中国的新流行:  放生,本是一种东亚佛教的仪式,将被俘获的动物放归大自然。放生的目的,在于显示慈悲心,积德行善,从古代流传到今