
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neo1997
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水墨画作为中国传统文化艺术,是当前小学美术教学中重要的组成部分。如何让水墨画教学既能继承和弘扬我国传统文化的精髓,又能走入一条创新教学的道路,于是在小学美术教学中,开展意趣水墨画教学成为了小学美术教师的主要任务。于是小学美术教师要能够从教学内容出发,结合学生的学习兴趣,科学地开展儿童意趣水墨画教学。本文主要从当前的实际教学情况出发,结合学生的兴趣爱好,从多方面论述意趣水墨画的有效教学策略。 As the traditional Chinese culture and art, ink painting is an important part of art teaching in primary schools. How to make the teaching of ink painting not only inherit and carry forward the essence of our country’s traditional culture, but also embark on a path of innovation teaching. So, in the art teaching of primary school, it is the primary task for primary school art teachers to carry out the teaching of interesting ink painting. Therefore, primary school art teachers should be able to proceed from the teaching content, combined with the students’ interest in learning, science and education of children’s interest in ink and wash painting. This article mainly from the current actual teaching conditions, combined with the students’ interests and hobbies, discusses the effective teaching strategies of interesting ink painting in many aspects.
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