认清新形势 做出新贡献——在全国政研会第八次年会上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuiaiyunhao
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我们这次年会的主要任务,就是要贯彻落实党的十四大、十四届三中全会和今年“两会”精神,根据中央确定的今年党和国家工作的大局和基本方针,以及中央关于经济工作和宣传思想工作的重大决策,研究和交流适应建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势,如何进一步加强和改进企业思想政治工作的思路、做法和实践经验。这次会上还将修改章程,进行理事会换届,组成新的领导机构。 这里我讲几点意见: 一、认清企业思想政治工作面临的新形势 在加快改革开放和经济发展的过程中,党中央坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针,始终重视精神文明建设和宣传思想工作包括企业思想政治工作。去年5月,在全国政研会成立10周年的时候,江泽民同志亲切接见了参加纪念座谈会的全体同志并发表 The main task of our annual meeting is to implement the spirit of the 14th CPC Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the “two sessions” this year. According to the overall situation and basic principles of the party’s and state’s work this year as set by the central authorities, Economic and work of propaganda and ideological work, study and exchange ideas and practices and practical experiences on how to further strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of enterprises in light of the new situation of adapting to the establishment of a socialist market economic system. The meeting will also amend the charter, the Council for general election, the formation of a new leading agency. Here are some comments I have made: I. Recognizing the new situation facing ideological and political work in enterprises In accelerating the reform and opening up as well as economic development, the CPC Central Committee upholds the principle of “using both hands and both hands hard” and always attaches importance to the building of spiritual civilization And propaganda and ideological work, including corporate ideological and political work. Last May, at the 10th anniversary of the founding of the National Political Consultative Conference, Comrade Jiang Zemin met with all the comrades who participated in the memorial forum cordially
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