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一九二○年三月,胡適在「新教育」上發表了「中學國文的教授」一文。當時,無产階級领導的新文化思想正以雷霆萬鈞之势,在文化界擴大其思想影响,并使舊的教育思想體系發生了動摇。胡適看到了「這個學制根本動摇的時代」,覺得必須向「学制」方面,首先是向「中学国文的教授」方面,凭藉他在五四新文学運動中騙到的「威信」來插進一手,在這个陣地上來抵制馬克思主義。这篇論文的寫作動機,就是這樣。胡適的「国文」教学思想是他的文學思想和教育思想雜交而成的。而這两方面的思想又都是由他的哲学理論——實用主義所形成的。他的「国文」教学的主張,實際上,是採取了比较隱蔽的形式,向人們灌輸了濃烈的反动思想的毒汁。茲就教學目的、教学內容、教学方法、教材分量等方面簡單分析一下: 第一,胡適所定的「国文」教学的目的,露骨地表現了反动资產階級力圖掩飾教育的階級任務的虚偽性,故意地割棄了教育目的,抹殺了教養与教育的內在的有機聯系。民國元年教育部所定「国文」教学目的為:「國文要旨在通解普通語言文字,能自由發表思想,並使略解高深文字,涵養文学興趣,兼以啟發智德。」现在姑不論這「智德」的具體內容。胡適也承認上述的教學目的是「不錯」的,可是當他「斟酌現在情形,暫定一个中学国文的理想标准」時,却把這極其抽象的「啟發智德」的字样也刪掉了,而改為:「(1)人人能用國語(白話)自由發表思想——作文,演说,談話——都能明白通暢,沒有文法上的錯誤。(2)人人能看平易的古文書籍,如二十四史、资治通鑑之类。(3)人人能做通順的古文。(4)人人有懂得一點古文的機會。」這個目的,在两年后的「再论中学的国文教學」中,基本上仍无修改,只说「作古體文,但看做實習文法的工具,不看做国文教学的目的」。從上可以看出胡適的 In March 1920, Hu Shi published the “Professor of Chinese in Secondary School” at “New Education.” At that time, the new cultural thinking led by the proletariat was using a thunderbolt force to expand its intellectual influence in the cultural world and to shaken the old system of educational ideology. Hu Shih saw “this era of fundamentally wavering schooling system” and felt it necessary to insert it into the “system of schooling” first and foremost with “prestige” that he fooled in the May Fourth New Literary Movement in the aspect of “professor of secondary school Chinese” One hand, in this position to resist Marxism. That’s the motivation for writing this essay. Hu Shi’s “Chinese” teaching idea is a hybrid of his literary and educational thoughts. And these two aspects of thinking are formed by his philosophical theory - pragmatism. In fact, his idea of ​​“teaching Chinese as a foreign language” has adopted a rather subtle form, instilling into people a poisonous juice of reactionary thinking. The purpose of teaching, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching materials and other aspects of a simple analysis: First, Hu Shi set the purpose of teaching “Chinese”, an explicit expression of the reactionary bourgeoisie trying to conceal the hypocrisy of class tasks, deliberately Abandoned the purpose of education, denied the internal organic relations between parenting and education. In the first year of the Republic of China, the Ministry of Education designated the purpose of teaching “Chinese” as follows: “The purpose of the Chinese language is to understand common language and to express thoughts freely, so as to make it possible for the Chinese to have a deep understanding of literary interests and enlightenment. German ”the specific content. Hu Shih also admitted that the above teaching aims are “good”. However, when he “considers the present situation as tentative as the ideal standard for a secondary school Chinese,” he has also deleted the very abstract “enlightenment” To read: “(1) Everyone can freely express their thoughts in Chinese (vernacular) - composition, speeches, and conversations - can understand that there is no grammatical mistake. (2) Such as Twenty-Four Histories, Zhizhi Tongjian and the like. (3) Everyone can be fluent in classical Chinese. (4) Everyone has the opportunity to understand a little ancient Chinese. ”For this purpose, Of Chinese teaching, “there is basically no amendment but to say” as an old body language, but as a tool for internship grammar, it is not intended to be used for the purpose of Chinese teaching. " Hu Shih can be seen from the above
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